Classification of damage:

-Check the regulator, the possibility that components need to be replaced:
* Zener diode coopler * * IC817 * fuse * TL431 * Tr Tr8050
2. display is dead
MPEG-check, replace the IC MPEG, replace the LED display picture
MPEG-damaged, replace the IC EPROM
4.picture boxes
5. no color
6.Tidak bias O / C
-Mekanik/motor Tracking
-Optic cable, spindle
8.VCD OK DVD can not
9.2 / 3 songs stop / hank
-MPEG/Optik Dashed audio
12.Manual not working
9014-replace C455/sensor
13.Display, image, optical stop-check regulator
Service practical steps VCD / DVD

1.Cek voltage AC / switch DVD / VCD
If the normal check wiring connection.
2. If either check cable regulator (5v and 12v to DVD)
(5V and 8V for VCD)
-Components are often damaged
* IC13003D * FotoCopler817 * DZ 3.9 V
* Tr * TL431 * Tr8050 Fuse
3. If both checks MPEG regulator
Replace IC Cwi25vf080B
Eg weak-round disc: replace the spindle motor
-If there is no disc writing / unknowdisc possibility
optic cables damaged / in no disc player.
5And/if buttons broken
Replace C455-9014 or sensor
If a player can not be in remote control
-Replace (x-tall) or sensor (9014)

In the economic system of capitalism, one is free to have wealth, companies compete freely in the market, and also someone free in selecting the goods / services that are in want without any intervention with the government.
In the system of communism, the role of market economy on hold by a person's right here goverment.Been waived, all of society is political goverment.Freedom employees are supervised closely by the State.
Economic system of socialism, a person is relatively free to choose the business or in want, but where there is government intervention to suit the needs of individuals with society.
Economic system is likely the same as socialism yangni economic system also frees the people to choose jobs, develop creativity and the power potential of its citizens and also setap State recognizes the right of private property. But that a differentiator is government interference in the system of this economy is a system of this economy are regulated by the rules or basic laws that have been made by the State.
TRENDS utopian socialism(JOHN STUART MILL)

It was in 1848 during the rebellion and mass protests in the continent Eropa.Di that year, John Stuart Mill and its influence in the world: the publication of text books, principles of politicalekonomiy, which will dominate the western world for half a century and was published until the edition to 32, until Alfred Marshall took effect on 1890.Year when Karl Fried rich Engels write Mark and their revolutionary work, The Communis Manifesto. membayanyi figure of a ghost had indeed Europe is not only communism, but also other isms Fourierisme, Owenisme, Saint-Simonisme,danTransenden-talisme.Ada Utopian socialism, social revolutionary, and socialism nasionalis.Mereka all grew as a reaction to the rapid transformation of the agricultural economy into the world of industry. In 1848 rebellion people erupted in France, Germany, Austria, and Italy.

1. Economics, or political science is a study of the activities with or without the use of money, include or involve the exchange of transactions between people.
2. Aalah economics a study of how people dropped the right choice to utilize productive resources (land, labor, capital goods such as machinery and knowledge of techniques) are rare and limited in number, to produce various goods (eg wheat, meat, coat, sailboat, highways and other aircraft.) As well as distributing it to members of the public for their consumption.
3. Economics is the study of humans in their activities of daily living to get and enjoy life.
4. Economics is the study of how humans act to organize the activities of consumption and production.
5. Economics is a study of wealth.
6. Sutu Economics is the study of the ways to improve society.

Allahummahdinii fii man hadaiit, wa aafinii fii man aafaiit, wa tawallanii fi man tawallaiit, wa baarik lii fiimaa athaiit.Wa qinii bi rahmatika syarra maa qadhaiit. Fa innaka taqdhii wa laa yuqdhaa ‘alaiik. Wa innahu laa yudzillu man waalaiit.Wa laa ya’izzu man ‘aadaiit.Tabaarakta rabbanaa wa ta’aalait. Fa lakal-hamdu ‘alaa maa qadhaiit astaghfiruka madinin-nabiyyil ummuyyi wa ‘alaa aalihii wa shahbihii wa sallam.
"O Allah, grant me the instructions as the people whom You have guided. Give me health such as those whom You have given health. Lead me together people whom you lead. Give blessings in all that thou hast led. Give the gift pda all in what Thou hast given me. And guard me from evil that you make sure. For, indeed thou decide and no one to punish (define) for you. Indeed it is not going despicable people who have give power. Nor would the noble man whom thou hostile. You and You. All praise be yours, for that has you confirm. I beg forgiveness and return (repentance) unto Thee. May Allah give mercy, blessings and salutations upon the Prophet Muhammad and all his family and friends. "

We need to eliminate old habits / way of looking at our old, youth are not talented, more temperamental, and is considered inappropriate to hold goverment.But in this global era, we must think broadly and positively.
Regeneration by acungi youth deserve our thumbs, and rahyat also do not have to worry if the youth vote, we believe the youth are now wiser.
As long as good intentions than boys ,,,,,, why not?

There are a variety of solar system formation theories include the following four theories:
1. THEORY planetesimal
Planetesimal theory Moulton.This theory, the Sun previously has existed as one of the many stars in langit.Suatu when the star passed by the Sun in the distance that dekat.Karena short distance, the gravitational pull of a passing star some of the material from the Sun ( like a giant tongue) gravitate toward star.Away star, a giant tongue that most fell into the sun and partly scattered into small lumps or planetesimal.Planetesimal-planetesimal float in space in orbit around the sun.Decollisions and gravitational pull, large planetesimal sweep a smaller and eventually become planets.
Tidal Theory. Buffon claimed that the solar system came from material that was thrown from the Sun collide with a comet.
Tidal theory presented Buffon then repaired by Sir James Jeans and Harold Jeffreys.Mereka argue that the solar system formed by tidal effects of the gases the sun due to gravitational forces that crossed the big star-gas Matahari.Gas it slipped and then surround-Matahari.Gas hot gas is then turned into balls of liquid and cooled and formed a layer hard into the planets and satellites.
3.TEORI cloud of dust (proto PLANET)
This theory was put forward by then perfected by Gerard P. Kuiper in 1950.Teori proto-planet solar system that formed by clouds of gas and a number of very more.It"s blob experiencing compression and attract dust particles to form clumps that moment bola. torsion occurs which makes a lump resembling a ball into a flat disc (thickness of the middle and flat on the edge). Since the middle of the slow spiral resulting in pressure occurs that causes heat and light (the Sun). The edge of the disc spiral faster than a more fragmented into clumps kecil.Gumpalan was then frozen into planets and satellites.
Fog theory also called theory was put forward by Immanuel Nebula.Teori Kart and Simon de Laplace.This theory at first there is a diffuse nebula is almost spherical and rotating with very slow speed so that it starts menyusut.Akibatnya forming a flat disc in the middle. shrinkage continues and formed the sun rotates faster at pusatcakram.Cakram sehinggabagian disc edges apart to form bracelets bahan.Kemudian material in the rings condense into planets that evolved around the Sun.
The conclusion that I catch from these theories is that our solar system formed by a collection of rocks and dust and hot gas and then because there was an explosion of natural fluctuation and so on, forming our solar system.

How to view or way of thinking of each person is different, people who succeed are those who think most widespread, hardworking and always positif thinking.If your mind is stressed or cloudy then that person will not be good.There are some easy tips to relieve stress while you work:
1.Out of a minute from work and then look at the starry sky / cloudy
2.look greenery
3.You can drink juice ice which mainly contains vitamin A
Three tips that may help your.GooD Luck

But it does not eat the giant Mother Parni because according to the giant meat Parni bad mother, because she was very frightened.That"s. giant ran away from the giant, until he was tripped by a giant cucumber, that contains a baby a very beautiful woman.
Knowing this, the giant told the Mom Parni, child care, if I grow up I'll take it.
A few years later came to house the giant Mother Parni to collect appointments, eating cucumber girl or MAS, then my mother told Parni golden cucumbers run with a talisman that has been given a Mother Parni.Jimat it is cucumber seeds, needles, and shrimp paste.
Chasing giant golden cucumbers, gold cucumbers tossed with cucumber seeds and seed it magically turned into a jungle cucumbers luas.Raksasa/giant busy to eat the cucumber after cucumber-cucumber again chasing down giant golden cucumbers.
Then throw the talisman of gold cucumber into two, namely the needle, the needle was turned into a sharp thorns, impaled giant thorns, but he's not dead.
Then the golden cucumbers tossed the last talisman, which is shrimp paste condiment that instantly transformed into a sea of boiling mud and giant terjeburlah it into the mud.
Then the golden cucumbers live happily and peacefully with Mother Parni.
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Life is not as easy and as beautiful as to what we imagine, sometimes need to fight hard to achieve what we want, what we need sometimes also disappear in time we want it, but instead it was coming when we already do not need it anymore.
We better appreciate what we have and what we get today, because tomorrow is not necessarily the day we can change for the better and beautiful, but we all know that nothing is impossible in this world, if we do best in today nicaya and believe we will reap the rewards of a better tomorrow.
Ever terbesik and desire of a young man if he would finish school wants to work in a factory or company, but when his wish was granted and he has really worked ... .. one point he complained he was jealous with one of his friends who could own entrepreneurship, there is no blame, no need every morning to hear bualannya the boss, do not need to wander far from the town where he lived, to meet with families every day.
But one day, he came out from his workplace, he tried to entrepreneurship but what happened to his difficulties to start their business, and he regretted it had come out from where he worked.
We know how to think every person is different, so nobody paid rizki different also, but not if we mengkerdilkan bijaklah mind and the ability of our own brain, begin to think broader and much looked forward, positive thinking with new things, surely we'll find out what the heck yangkita want and what things we want and what fits with our lifestyle, so there is no regret when we have determined an option.
Our brains have trillions of neutrons or it can be called a brain nerve cell, if a neutron capabilities, and memory is equal / same / equivalent to 1 fruit Pentium 4 computer (computer art in Indonesia at this time) you try to guess / imagine what would happen if all brain cells were functioning as a whole, it is not impossible we could create a "door to anywhere of Doraemon, a flashlight magnifying objects, flying carpets, and so forth.
For according to the results of research or study, the brain of a great scientist "Albert Einstein" brain nerve cells to function only 20% only, with just 20% only he can make many new discoveries in this world, like the theory of relativity, and also he is a physicist and also we all know what he has created in this world.
So what happens if our brain is functioning 50%, 75%, or even 100 %...... Allahuakbar, Almighty God has created us, perhaps we can fly this country where we like it.
That is why we care about brains, keep and make use, not to our brains, we are damaged by drugs, alcohol, or with trivial things, like driving without a helmet, because if we fell off the motorcycle and collided head causing damage to the cell our brain, it would be very detrimental to us all our lives, because we will be crippled for life, because there are no brains in the world ini.Berpikirlah workshop to be "Albert Einstein" Today, no need to mimic all the properties and behavior, but menirulah He terms of liberal-minded and positive thinking
The beach is very beautiful, especially when the sun rises and tenggelam.Ketika beach holiday is very crowded in the visit by tourists and local visitors.
There are many cultures on the island, such as dances, rituals of death, local clothing, home adad, weapons, music and so forth.
Transportation located in the city of Denpasar, Bali;
gig, using the horse as vehicle towing
motorcycle taxi driver, motorcycle
Bemo, serving in and intercity
cab four-wheel vehicle
Bus, serving the intercity relations, rural, and inter-provincial
The beach is beautiful with all its cultural side.