There are a variety of solar system formation theories include the following four theories:
1. THEORY planetesimal
Planetesimal theory Moulton.This theory, the Sun previously has existed as one of the many stars in langit.Suatu when the star passed by the Sun in the distance that dekat.Karena short distance, the gravitational pull of a passing star some of the material from the Sun ( like a giant tongue) gravitate toward star.Away star, a giant tongue that most fell into the sun and partly scattered into small lumps or planetesimal.Planetesimal-planetesimal float in space in orbit around the sun.Decollisions and gravitational pull, large planetesimal sweep a smaller and eventually become planets.
Tidal Theory. Buffon claimed that the solar system came from material that was thrown from the Sun collide with a comet.
Tidal theory presented Buffon then repaired by Sir James Jeans and Harold Jeffreys.Mereka argue that the solar system formed by tidal effects of the gases the sun due to gravitational forces that crossed the big star-gas Matahari.Gas it slipped and then surround-Matahari.Gas hot gas is then turned into balls of liquid and cooled and formed a layer hard into the planets and satellites.
3.TEORI cloud of dust (proto PLANET)
This theory was put forward by then perfected by Gerard P. Kuiper in 1950.Teori proto-planet solar system that formed by clouds of gas and a number of very more.It"s blob experiencing compression and attract dust particles to form clumps that moment bola. torsion occurs which makes a lump resembling a ball into a flat disc (thickness of the middle and flat on the edge). Since the middle of the slow spiral resulting in pressure occurs that causes heat and light (the Sun). The edge of the disc spiral faster than a more fragmented into clumps kecil.Gumpalan was then frozen into planets and satellites.
Fog theory also called theory was put forward by Immanuel Nebula.Teori Kart and Simon de Laplace.This theory at first there is a diffuse nebula is almost spherical and rotating with very slow speed so that it starts menyusut.Akibatnya forming a flat disc in the middle. shrinkage continues and formed the sun rotates faster at pusatcakram.Cakram sehinggabagian disc edges apart to form bracelets bahan.Kemudian material in the rings condense into planets that evolved around the Sun.
The conclusion that I catch from these theories is that our solar system formed by a collection of rocks and dust and hot gas and then because there was an explosion of natural fluctuation and so on, forming our solar system.
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