Allahummahdinii fii man hadaiit, wa aafinii fii man aafaiit, wa tawallanii fi man tawallaiit, wa baarik lii fiimaa athaiit.Wa qinii bi rahmatika syarra maa qadhaiit. Fa innaka taqdhii wa laa yuqdhaa ‘alaiik. Wa innahu laa yudzillu man waalaiit.Wa laa ya’izzu man ‘aadaiit.Tabaarakta rabbanaa wa ta’aalait. Fa lakal-hamdu ‘alaa maa qadhaiit astaghfiruka madinin-nabiyyil ummuyyi wa ‘alaa aalihii wa shahbihii wa sallam.
"O Allah, grant me the instructions as the people whom You have guided. Give me health such as those whom You have given health. Lead me together people whom you lead. Give blessings in all that thou hast led. Give the gift pda all in what Thou hast given me. And guard me from evil that you make sure. For, indeed thou decide and no one to punish (define) for you. Indeed it is not going despicable people who have give power. Nor would the noble man whom thou hostile. You and You. All praise be yours, for that has you confirm. I beg forgiveness and return (repentance) unto Thee. May Allah give mercy, blessings and salutations upon the Prophet Muhammad and all his family and friends. "
I like it..................with do'a qunut.thank's