Paul Anthony Samuelson, a professor of Economics from Mas sachusetts Institute of Teckhnologi (MIT), collected at least 6 units from the experts lain.Keenam definition is a definition;
1. Economics, or political science is a study of the activities with or without the use of money, include or involve the exchange of transactions between people.
2. Aalah economics a study of how people dropped the right choice to utilize productive resources (land, labor, capital goods such as machinery and knowledge of techniques) are rare and limited in number, to produce various goods (eg wheat, meat, coat, sailboat, highways and other aircraft.) As well as distributing it to members of the public for their consumption.
3. Economics is the study of humans in their activities of daily living to get and enjoy life.
4. Economics is the study of how humans act to organize the activities of consumption and production.
5. Economics is a study of wealth.
6. Sutu Economics is the study of the ways to improve society.


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